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Journey through stories that cross geographic distances. Just Around the Corner is a project that presents a range of creative works and personal reflections on our current times by participants invited to respond to the questions, 'What have you been doing in your corner of the world?’ and ‘what lies “just around the corner” for you?’

The stories present different lives and experiences from all over the globe, creating connections between people through creativity. Just Around the Corner is a project that begins with a personal word of mouth participation invitation extended to friends and colleagues. The project links people across cultures, languages and locations through photographs, poems projects and creative activities. The ‘stories’ take many forms and are told in a number of languages, highlighting the reach of the connections made through the project.

Each participant is asked to ‘pass along’ an invitation to one more person – story by story our connections expand; ‘just around the corner’ means we are close, though often living at a great distance from one another.


©Justaroundthecornerglobal, 2020

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